Not long to go now until we welcome in the New Year 2023. Every year comes with its challenges and in 2022 you, the parents, have been with me every step of the way. So Thank you for keeping me in your corner! Whatever this year brings, we’ll crush it together.
I would like to Congratulate all my wonderful students on another successful year! You’ve all been superstars. It’s been a privilege to coach you and I can’t wait to see what we’ll accomplish together in the year to come.
It's that time now when we will see an influx of ‘New Year, New Me’ social media posts, but this year I don’t fancy finding a new me, I’m happy as I am. I will make small adjustments as it's good to keep moving forward but generally I'm happy with me. So I won't bother with New Year’s resolutions this year. I feel that when you’re younger, setting goals like ‘exercise more’ or ‘learn how to speak Japanese' are somewhat achievable and fun to tick off. But for me, the things I want to achieve in 2023 are so big and daunting, I don’t want to put that pressure on myself. The list of big things I want to do is huge so I’d rather just take it a step at a time, instead of overwhelming myself with things to achieve.
Life seems to go by so fast, so always remember to live in the moment, not think too far ahead. Appreciate what you have, spend your time and efforts with the people that matter and 100% be yourself at all times ( unless your horrible then change and be nice 😊)
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! Here’s to feeling thankful for the year behind and enthusiastic for the year ahead
see you all soon