When Basingstoke mum Melanie Hill decided to participate in her children's martial arts lesson, who would have thought she would still be training ten years on. Melanie, now a Black Belt level 1 student, hasn't looked back since joining in with her children's lesson in 2012. Although her children decided to leave, there was no way mum would follow.
After receiving her award, Melanie said, “ I was shocked, happy and slightly emotional, over the last ten years, I have loved the training and have learned so much about self-defence I now feel more confident that I will be able to defend myself if needed
Head coach Shaun said; What a fantastic achievement. I am honoured to award Melanie for all her hard work and Dedication; I couldn't ask for a better role model for my young students
Away from training, Melanie enjoys spending time with her family, and is a fosterer for the local Cats Protection branch, where she loves to see her foster cats go to their forever homes.