Well, what can I say about the year gone by?
All I can really think is that 2020 was a challenging year.
Last year, for me, started amazingly, with a record number of students joining B-smart in January, February, and the beginning of March. We had just held a very successful student First Aid course, and we were all looking forward to the filming the new B-smart promotional video which was planned for the following week... but, Covid 19 reared its ugly head - meaning life as we knew it changed overnight.
Practically the whole world went into lockdown, and it was time to roll up our sleeves and fight for survival... the rest, as they say, is history.
As I said, the last eight months have been very testing. However, as hard as it was to keep the club running, it was also very rewarding as I now have so many great memories of amazing lessons taught via Zoom and 1 to 1 garden sessions. I have these memories because of YOU!
So, I would like to say thanks to each and every one of you. The amazing support you have given me this past year, especially during the pandemic, has been so special, and I thank you again for being such a wonderful part of my life.
So, ‘What’s next?’ I hear you say.
Well, I would usually tell you about my plans for the new coming year. However, at this moment in time, it is hard to plan anything as we don’t know what’s happening from week to week. What I can tell you, though, is that 2021 is heading towards us, and I will be running into it with open arms ready to embrace any challenges it throws at me.
Hopefully, Father Christmas won’t be in isolation and can bring you lots of awesome goodies to enjoy!
I really do wish you all a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year !
Right, pass me some wine….